path: root/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/softwares/windows/creddump7/win32/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'foreign/client_handling/lazagne/softwares/windows/creddump7/win32/')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/softwares/windows/creddump7/win32/ b/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/softwares/windows/creddump7/win32/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..983c81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/softwares/windows/creddump7/win32/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# This file is part of creddump.
+# creddump is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# creddump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with creddump. If not, see <>.
+@author: Brendan Dolan-Gavitt
+@license: GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
+import hmac
+import hashlib
+from .rawreg import *
+from ..addrspace import HiveFileAddressSpace
+from .hashdump import get_bootkey
+from .lsasecrets import get_secret_by_name, get_lsa_key
+from struct import unpack
+from foreign.client_handling.lazagne.config.crypto.pyaes.aes import AESModeOfOperationCBC
+from foreign.client_handling.lazagne.config.crypto.rc4 import RC4
+def get_nlkm(secaddr, lsakey, vista):
+ return get_secret_by_name(secaddr, 'NL$KM', lsakey, vista)
+def decrypt_hash(edata, nlkm, ch):
+ hmac_md5 =, ch, hashlib.md5)
+ rc4key = hmac_md5.digest()
+ rc4 = RC4(rc4key)
+ data = rc4.encrypt(edata)
+ return data
+def decrypt_hash_vista(edata, nlkm, ch):
+ """
+ Based on code from
+ """
+ aes = AESModeOfOperationCBC(nlkm[16:32], iv=ch)
+ out = ""
+ for i in range(0, len(edata), 16):
+ buf = edata[i:i+16]
+ if len(buf) < 16:
+ buf += (16 - len(buf)) * "\00"
+ out += b"".join([aes.decrypt(buf[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(buf), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
+ return out
+def parse_cache_entry(cache_data):
+ (uname_len, domain_len) = unpack("<HH", cache_data[:4])
+ (domain_name_len,) = unpack("<H", cache_data[60:62])
+ ch = cache_data[64:80]
+ enc_data = cache_data[96:]
+ return uname_len, domain_len, domain_name_len, enc_data, ch
+def parse_decrypted_cache(dec_data, uname_len, domain_len, domain_name_len):
+ uname_off = 72
+ pad = 2 * ((uname_len / 2) % 2)
+ domain_off = uname_off + uname_len + pad
+ pad = 2 * ((domain_len / 2) % 2)
+ domain_name_off = domain_off + domain_len + pad
+ data_hash = dec_data[:0x10]
+ username = dec_data[uname_off:uname_off+uname_len]
+ username = username.decode('utf-16-le', errors='ignore')
+ domain = dec_data[domain_off:domain_off+domain_len]
+ domain = domain.decode('utf-16-le', errors='ignore')
+ domain_name = dec_data[domain_name_off:domain_name_off+domain_name_len]
+ domain_name = domain_name.decode('utf-16-le', errors='ignore')
+ return username, domain, domain_name, data_hash
+def dump_hashes(sysaddr, secaddr, vista):
+ bootkey = get_bootkey(sysaddr)
+ if not bootkey:
+ return []
+ lsakey = get_lsa_key(secaddr, bootkey, vista)
+ if not lsakey:
+ return []
+ nlkm = get_nlkm(secaddr, lsakey, vista)
+ if not nlkm:
+ return []
+ root = get_root(secaddr)
+ if not root:
+ return []
+ cache = open_key(root, ["Cache"])
+ if not cache:
+ return []
+ hashes = []
+ for v in values(cache):
+ if v.Name == "NL$Control":
+ continue
+ data =, v.DataLength.value)
+ (uname_len, domain_len, domain_name_len, enc_data, ch) = parse_cache_entry(data)
+ # Skip if nothing in this cache entry
+ if uname_len == 0:
+ continue
+ if vista:
+ dec_data = decrypt_hash_vista(enc_data, nlkm, ch)
+ else:
+ dec_data = decrypt_hash(enc_data, nlkm, ch)
+ (username, domain, domain_name, hash) = parse_decrypted_cache(dec_data, uname_len, domain_len, domain_name_len)
+ hashes.append((username, domain, domain_name, hash))
+ return hashes
+def dump_file_hashes(syshive_fname, sechive_fname, vista):
+ sysaddr = HiveFileAddressSpace(syshive_fname)
+ secaddr = HiveFileAddressSpace(sechive_fname)
+ results = []
+ for (u, d, dn, hash) in dump_hashes(sysaddr, secaddr, vista):
+ results.append("%s:%s:%s:%s" % (u.lower(), hash.encode('hex'), d.lower(), dn.lower()))
+ return results