path: root/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/config/DPAPI/
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Diffstat (limited to 'foreign/client_handling/lazagne/config/DPAPI/')
1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/config/DPAPI/ b/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/config/DPAPI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ee59d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/foreign/client_handling/lazagne/config/DPAPI/
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Code based from these two awesome projects:
+from . import crypto
+from .credhist import CredHistFile
+from .system import CredSystem
+from .eater import DataStruct, Eater
+from collections import defaultdict
+import codecs
+import hashlib
+import struct
+import os
+class MasterKey(DataStruct):
+ """
+ This class represents a MasterKey block contained in a MasterKeyFile
+ """
+ def __init__(self, raw=None):
+ self.decrypted = False
+ self.key = None
+ self.key_hash = None
+ self.hmacSalt = None
+ self.hmac = None
+ self.hmacComputed = None
+ self.cipherAlgo = None
+ self.hashAlgo = None
+ self.rounds = None
+ self.iv = None
+ self.version = None
+ self.ciphertext = None
+ DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
+ def parse(self, data):
+ self.version ="L")
+ self.iv ="16s")
+ self.rounds ="L")
+ self.hashAlgo = crypto.CryptoAlgo("L"))
+ self.cipherAlgo = crypto.CryptoAlgo("L"))
+ self.ciphertext = data.remain()
+ def decrypt_with_hash(self, sid, pwdhash):
+ """
+ Decrypts the masterkey with the given user's hash and SID.
+ Simply computes the corresponding key then calls self.decrypt_with_key()
+ """
+ self.decrypt_with_key(crypto.derivePwdHash(pwdhash=pwdhash, sid=sid))
+ def decrypt_with_password(self, sid, pwd):
+ """
+ Decrypts the masterkey with the given user's password and SID.
+ Simply computes the corresponding key, then calls self.decrypt_with_hash()
+ """
+ try:
+ pwd = pwd.encode("UTF-16LE")
+ except Exception:
+ return
+ for algo in ["sha1", "md4"]:
+ self.decrypt_with_hash(sid=sid,, pwd).digest())
+ if self.decrypted:
+ break
+ def decrypt_with_key(self, pwdhash):
+ """
+ Decrypts the masterkey with the given encryption key.
+ This function also extracts the HMAC part of the decrypted stuff and compare it with the computed one.
+ Note that, once successfully decrypted, the masterkey will not be decrypted anymore; this function will simply return.
+ """
+ if self.decrypted or not pwdhash:
+ return
+ # Compute encryption key
+ cleartxt = crypto.dataDecrypt(self.cipherAlgo, self.hashAlgo, self.ciphertext, pwdhash, self.iv,
+ self.rounds)
+ self.key = cleartxt[-64:]
+ hmacSalt = cleartxt[:16]
+ hmac = cleartxt[16:16 + int(self.hashAlgo.digestLength)]
+ hmacComputed = crypto.DPAPIHmac(self.hashAlgo, pwdhash, hmacSalt, self.key)
+ self.decrypted = hmac == hmacComputed
+ if self.decrypted:
+ self.key_hash = hashlib.sha1(self.key).digest()
+class CredHist(DataStruct):
+ """This class represents a Credhist block contained in the MasterKeyFile"""
+ def __init__(self, raw=None):
+ self.version = None
+ self.guid = None
+ DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
+ def parse(self, data):
+ self.version ="L")
+ self.guid = "%0x-%0x-%0x-%0x%0x-%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x" %"L2H8B")
+class DomainKey(DataStruct):
+ """This class represents a DomainKey block contained in the MasterKeyFile.
+ Currently does nothing more than parsing. Work on Active Directory stuff is
+ still on progress.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, raw=None):
+ self.version = None
+ self.secretLen = None
+ self.accesscheckLen = None
+ self.guidKey = None
+ self.encryptedSecret = None
+ self.accessCheck = None
+ DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
+ def parse(self, data):
+ self.version ="L")
+ self.secretLen ="L")
+ self.accesscheckLen ="L")
+ self.guidKey = "%0x-%0x-%0x-%0x%0x-%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x%0x" %"L2H8B") #"16s")
+ self.encryptedSecret ="%us" % self.secretLen)
+ self.accessCheck ="%us" % self.accesscheckLen)
+class MasterKeyFile(DataStruct):
+ """
+ This class represents a masterkey file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, raw=None):
+ self.masterkey = None
+ self.backupkey = None
+ self.credhist = None
+ self.domainkey = None
+ self.decrypted = False
+ self.version = None
+ self.guid = None
+ self.policy = None
+ self.masterkeyLen = self.backupkeyLen = self.credhistLen = self.domainkeyLen = 0
+ DataStruct.__init__(self, raw)
+ def parse(self, data):
+ self.version ="L")
+ self.guid ="72s").decode("UTF-16LE").encode("utf-8")
+ self.policy ="L")
+ self.masterkeyLen ="Q")
+ self.backupkeyLen ="Q")
+ self.credhistLen ="Q")
+ self.domainkeyLen ="Q")
+ if self.masterkeyLen > 0:
+ self.masterkey = MasterKey()
+ self.masterkey.parse(data.eat_sub(self.masterkeyLen))
+ if self.backupkeyLen > 0:
+ self.backupkey = MasterKey()
+ self.backupkey.parse(data.eat_sub(self.backupkeyLen))
+ if self.credhistLen > 0:
+ self.credhist = CredHist()
+ self.credhist.parse(data.eat_sub(self.credhistLen))
+ if self.domainkeyLen > 0:
+ self.domainkey = DomainKey()
+ self.domainkey.parse(data.eat_sub(self.domainkeyLen))
+ def get_key(self):
+ """
+ Returns the first decrypted block between Masterkey and BackupKey.
+ If none has been decrypted, returns the Masterkey block.
+ """
+ if self.masterkey.decrypted:
+ return self.masterkey.key or self.masterkey.key_hash
+ elif self.backupkey.decrypted:
+ return self.backupkey.key
+ return self.masterkey.key
+ def jhash(self, sid=None, context='local'):
+ """
+ Compute the hash used to be bruteforced.
+ From the masterkey field of the mk file => mk variable.
+ """
+ if 'des3' in str(self.masterkey.cipherAlgo).lower() and 'hmac' in str(self.masterkey.hashAlgo).lower():
+ version = 1
+ hmac_algo = 'sha1'
+ cipher_algo = 'des3'
+ elif 'aes-256' in str(self.masterkey.cipherAlgo).lower() and 'sha512' in str(self.masterkey.hashAlgo).lower():
+ version = 2
+ hmac_algo = 'sha512'
+ cipher_algo = 'aes256'
+ else:
+ return 'Unsupported combination of cipher {cipher_algo} and hash algorithm {algo} found!'.format(
+ cipher_algo=self.masterkey.cipherAlgo, algo=self.masterkey.hashAlgo)
+ context_int = 0
+ if context == "domain":
+ context_int = 2
+ elif context == "local":
+ context_int = 1
+ return '$DPAPImk${version}*{context}*{sid}*{cipher_algo}*{hmac_algo}*{rounds}*{iv}*{size}*{ciphertext}'.format(
+ version=version,
+ context=context_int,
+ sid=sid,
+ cipher_algo=cipher_algo,
+ hmac_algo=hmac_algo,
+ rounds=self.masterkey.rounds,
+ iv=self.masterkey.iv.encode("hex"),
+ size=len(self.masterkey.ciphertext.encode("hex")),
+ ciphertext=self.masterkey.ciphertext.encode("hex")
+ )
+class MasterKeyPool(object):
+ """
+ This class is the pivot for using DPAPIck.
+ It manages all the DPAPI structures and contains all the decryption intelligence.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.keys = defaultdict(
+ lambda: {
+ 'password': None, # contains cleartext password
+ 'mkf': [], # contains the masterkey file object
+ }
+ )
+ self.mkfiles = []
+ self.credhists = {}
+ self.mk_dir = None
+ self.nb_mkf = 0
+ self.nb_mkf_decrypted = 0
+ self.preferred_guid = None
+ self.system = None
+ def add_master_key(self, mkey):
+ """
+ Add a MasterKeyFile is the pool.
+ mkey is a string representing the content of the file to add.
+ """
+ mkf = MasterKeyFile(mkey)
+ self.keys[mkf.guid]['mkf'].append(mkf)
+ # Store mkfile object
+ self.mkfiles.append(mkf) # TO DO000000 => use only self.keys variable
+ def load_directory(self, directory):
+ """
+ Adds every masterkey contained in the given directory to the pool.
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(directory):
+ self.mk_dir = directory
+ for k in os.listdir(directory):
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(directory, k), 'rb') as f:
+ self.add_master_key(
+ self.nb_mkf += 1
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_master_keys(self, guid):
+ """
+ Returns an array of Masterkeys corresponding to the given GUID.
+ """
+ return self.keys.get(guid, {}).get('mkf')
+ def get_password(self, guid):
+ """
+ Returns the password found corresponding to the given GUID.
+ """
+ return self.keys.get(guid, {}).get('password')
+ def add_credhist_file(self, sid, credfile):
+ """
+ Adds a Credhist file to the pool.
+ """
+ if os.path.exists(credfile):
+ try:
+ with open(credfile) as f:
+ self.credhists[sid] = CredHistFile(
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ def get_preferred_guid(self):
+ """
+ Extract from the Preferred file the associated GUID.
+ This guid represent the preferred masterkey used by the system.
+ This means that it has been encrypted using the current password not an older one.
+ """
+ if self.preferred_guid:
+ return self.preferred_guid
+ if self.mk_dir:
+ preferred_file = os.path.join(self.mk_dir, u'Preferred')
+ if os.path.exists(preferred_file):
+ with open(preferred_file, 'rb') as pfile:
+ GUID1 =
+ GUID2 =
+ GUID = struct.unpack("<LHH", GUID1)
+ GUID2 = struct.unpack(">HLH", GUID2)
+ self.preferred_guid = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s" % (
+ format(GUID[0], '08x'), format(GUID[1], '04x'), format(GUID[2], '04x'), format(GUID2[0], '04x'),
+ format(GUID2[1], '08x'), format(GUID2[2], '04x'))
+ return self.preferred_guid
+ return False
+ def get_cleartext_password(self, guid=None):
+ """
+ Get cleartext password if already found of the associated guid.
+ If not guid specify, return the associated password of the preferred guid.
+ """
+ if not guid:
+ guid = self.get_preferred_guid()
+ if guid:
+ return self.get_password(guid)
+ def get_dpapi_hash(self, sid, context='local'):
+ """
+ Extract the DPAPI hash corresponding to the user's password to be able to bruteforce it using john or hashcat.
+ No admin privilege are required to extract it.
+ :param context: expect local or domain depending of the windows environment.
+ """
+ self.get_preferred_guid()
+ for mkf in self.mkfiles:
+ if self.preferred_guid == mkf.guid:
+ return mkf.jhash(sid=sid, context=context)
+ def add_system_credential(self, blob):
+ """
+ Adds DPAPI_SYSTEM token to the pool.
+ blob is a string representing the LSA secret token
+ """
+ self.system = CredSystem(blob)
+ def try_credential(self, sid, password=None):
+ """
+ This function tries to decrypt every masterkey contained in the pool that has not been successfully decrypted yet with the given password and SID.
+ Should be called as a generator (ex: for r in try_credential(sid, password))
+ """
+ # All master key files have not been already decrypted
+ if self.nb_mkf_decrypted != self.nb_mkf:
+ for guid in self.keys:
+ for mkf in self.keys[guid].get('mkf', ''):
+ if not mkf.decrypted:
+ mk = mkf.masterkey
+ if mk:
+ mk.decrypt_with_password(sid, password)
+ if not mk.decrypted and self.credhists.get(sid) is not None:
+ # Try using credhist file
+ self.credhists[sid].decrypt_with_password(password)
+ for credhist in self.credhists[sid].entries_list:
+ mk.decrypt_with_hash(sid, credhist.pwdhash)
+ if credhist.ntlm is not None and not mk.decrypted:
+ mk.decrypt_with_hash(sid, credhist.ntlm)
+ if mk.decrypted:
+ yield u'masterkey {masterkey} decrypted using credhists key'.format(
+ masterkey=mk.guid.decode())
+ self.credhists[sid].valid = True
+ if mk.decrypted:
+ # Save the password found
+ self.keys[mkf.guid]['password'] = password
+ mkf.decrypted = True
+ self.nb_mkf_decrypted += 1
+ yield True, u'{password} ok for masterkey {masterkey}'.format(password=password,
+ masterkey=mkf.guid.decode())
+ else:
+ yield False, u'{password} not ok for masterkey {masterkey}'.format(password=password,
+ masterkey=mkf.guid.decode())
+ def try_credential_hash(self, sid, pwdhash=None):
+ """
+ This function tries to decrypt every masterkey contained in the pool that has not been successfully decrypted yet with the given password and SID.
+ Should be called as a generator (ex: for r in try_credential_hash(sid, pwdhash))
+ """
+ # All master key files have not been already decrypted
+ if self.nb_mkf_decrypted != self.nb_mkf:
+ for guid in self.keys:
+ for mkf in self.keys[guid].get('mkf', ''):
+ if not mkf.decrypted:
+ mk = mkf.masterkey
+ mk.decrypt_with_hash(sid, pwdhash)
+ if not mk.decrypted and self.credhists.get(sid) is not None:
+ # Try using credhist file
+ self.credhists[sid].decrypt_with_hash(pwdhash)
+ for credhist in self.credhists[sid].entries_list:
+ mk.decrypt_with_hash(sid, credhist.pwdhash)
+ if credhist.ntlm is not None and not mk.decrypted:
+ mk.decrypt_with_hash(sid, credhist.ntlm)
+ if mk.decrypted:
+ yield True, u'masterkey {masterkey} decrypted using credhists key'.format(
+ masterkey=mk.guid)
+ self.credhists[sid].valid = True
+ break
+ if mk.decrypted:
+ mkf.decrypted = True
+ self.nb_mkf_decrypted += 1
+ yield True, u'{hash} ok for masterkey {masterkey}'.format(hash=codecs.encode(pwdhash, 'hex').decode(),
+ masterkey=mkf.guid.decode())
+ else:
+ yield False, u'{hash} not ok for masterkey {masterkey}'.format(
+ hash=codecs.encode(pwdhash, 'hex').decode(), masterkey=mkf.guid.decode())
+ def try_system_credential(self):
+ """
+ Decrypt masterkey files from the system user using DPAPI_SYSTEM creds as key
+ Should be called as a generator (ex: for r in try_system_credential())
+ """
+ for guid in self.keys:
+ for mkf in self.keys[guid].get('mkf', ''):
+ if not mkf.decrypted:
+ mk = mkf.masterkey
+ mk.decrypt_with_key(self.system.user)
+ if not mk.decrypted:
+ mk.decrypt_with_key(self.system.machine)
+ if mk.decrypted:
+ mkf.decrypted = True
+ self.nb_mkf_decrypted += 1
+ yield True, u'System masterkey decrypted for {masterkey}'.format(masterkey=mkf.guid.decode())
+ else:
+ yield False, u'System masterkey not decrypted for masterkey {masterkey}'.format(
+ masterkey=mkf.guid.decode())