path: root/foreign/client_handling/browserhistory/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'foreign/client_handling/browserhistory/')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/foreign/client_handling/browserhistory/ b/foreign/client_handling/browserhistory/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..105b629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/foreign/client_handling/browserhistory/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import os
+import sqlite3
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+# platform_table maps the name of user's OS to a platform code
+platform_table = {
+ 'linux': 0,
+ 'linux2': 0,
+ 'darwin': 1,
+ 'cygwin': 2,
+ 'win32': 2,
+ }
+# it supports Linux, MacOS, and Windows platforms.
+ user_platformcode = platform_table[sys.platform]
+except KeyError:
+ class NotAvailableOS(Exception):
+ pass
+ raise NotAvailableOS("It does not support your OS.")
+def get_username() -> str:
+ """
+ Get username based on their local computers
+ """
+ platform_code = user_platformcode
+ cwd_path = os.getcwd()
+ cwd_path_list = []
+ # if it is a macOS
+ if platform_code == 1:
+ cwd_path_list = cwd_path.split('/')
+ # if it is a windows
+ elif platform_code == 2:
+ cwd_path_list = cwd_path.split('\\')
+ # if it is a linux
+ else:
+ cwd_path_list = cwd_path.split('/')
+ return cwd_path_list[2]
+def get_database_paths() -> dict:
+ """
+ Get paths to the database of browsers and store them in a dictionary.
+ It returns a dictionary: its key is the name of browser in str and its value is the path to database in str.
+ """
+ platform_code = user_platformcode
+ browser_path_dict = dict()
+ # if it is a macOS
+ if platform_code == 1:
+ cwd_path = os.getcwd()
+ cwd_path_list = cwd_path.split('/')
+ # it creates string paths to broswer databases
+ abs_safari_path = os.path.join('/', cwd_path_list[1], cwd_path_list[2], 'Library', 'Safari', 'History.db')
+ abs_chrome_path = os.path.join('/', cwd_path_list[1], cwd_path_list[2], 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Google/Chrome/Default', 'History')
+ abs_firefox_path = os.path.join('/', cwd_path_list[1], cwd_path_list[2], 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Firefox/Profiles')
+ # check whether the databases exist
+ if os.path.exists(abs_safari_path):
+ browser_path_dict['safari'] = abs_safari_path
+ if os.path.exists(abs_chrome_path):
+ browser_path_dict['chrome'] = abs_chrome_path
+ if os.path.exists(abs_firefox_path):
+ firefox_dir_list = os.listdir(abs_firefox_path)
+ # it looks for a directory that ends '.default'
+ for f in firefox_dir_list:
+ if f.find('.default') > 0:
+ abs_firefox_path = os.path.join(abs_firefox_path, f, 'places.sqlite')
+ # check whether the firefox database exists
+ if os.path.exists(abs_firefox_path):
+ browser_path_dict['firefox'] = abs_firefox_path
+ # if it is a windows
+ if platform_code == 2:
+ homepath = os.path.expanduser("~")
+ abs_chrome_path = os.path.join(homepath, 'AppData', 'Local', 'Google', 'Chrome', 'User Data', 'Default', 'History')
+ abs_firefox_path = os.path.join(homepath, 'AppData', 'Roaming', 'Mozilla', 'Firefox', 'Profiles')
+ # it creates string paths to broswer databases
+ if os.path.exists(abs_chrome_path):
+ browser_path_dict['chrome'] = abs_chrome_path
+ if os.path.exists(abs_firefox_path):
+ firefox_dir_list = os.listdir(abs_firefox_path)
+ for f in firefox_dir_list:
+ if f.find('.default') > 0:
+ abs_firefox_path = os.path.join(abs_firefox_path, f, 'places.sqlite')
+ if os.path.exists(abs_firefox_path):
+ browser_path_dict['firefox'] = abs_firefox_path
+ # if it is a linux and it has only a firefox
+ if platform_code == 0:
+ cwd_path = os.getcwd()
+ cwd_path_list = cwd_path.split('/')
+ # it creates string paths to broswer databases
+ abs_firefox_path = os.path.join('/', cwd_path_list[1], cwd_path_list[2], '.mozilla', 'firefox')
+ # check whether the path exists
+ if os.path.exists(abs_firefox_path):
+ firefox_dir_list = os.listdir(abs_firefox_path)
+ # it looks for a directory that ends '.default'
+ for f in firefox_dir_list:
+ if f.find('.default') > 0:
+ abs_firefox_path = os.path.join(abs_firefox_path, f, 'places.sqlite')
+ # check whether the firefox database exists
+ if os.path.exists(abs_firefox_path):
+ browser_path_dict['firefox'] = abs_firefox_path
+ return browser_path_dict
+def get_browserhistory() -> dict:
+ """Get the user's browsers history by using sqlite3 module to connect to the dabases.
+ It returns a dictionary: its key is a name of browser in str and its value is a list of
+ tuples, each tuple contains four elements, including url, title, and visited_time.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> import browserhistory as bh
+ >>> dict_obj = bh.get_browserhistory()
+ >>> dict_obj.keys()
+ >>> dict_keys(['safari', 'chrome', 'firefox'])
+ >>> dict_obj['safari'][0]
+ >>> ('', 'Mail', '2018-08-14 08:27:26')
+ """
+ # browserhistory is a dictionary that stores the query results based on the name of browsers.
+ browserhistory = {}
+ # call get_database_paths() to get database paths.
+ paths2databases = get_database_paths()
+ for browser, path in paths2databases.items():
+ try:
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(path)
+ cursor = conn.cursor()
+ _SQL = ''
+ # SQL command for browsers' database table
+ if browser == 'chrome':
+ _SQL = """SELECT url, title, datetime((last_visit_time/1000000)-11644473600, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
+ AS last_visit_time FROM urls ORDER BY last_visit_time DESC"""
+ elif browser == 'firefox':
+ _SQL = """SELECT url, title, datetime((visit_date/1000000), 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS visit_date
+ FROM moz_places INNER JOIN moz_historyvisits on moz_historyvisits.place_id = ORDER BY visit_date DESC"""
+ elif browser == 'safari':
+ _SQL = """SELECT url, title, datetime(visit_time + 978307200, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
+ FROM history_visits INNER JOIN history_items ON = history_visits.history_item ORDER BY visit_time DESC"""
+ else:
+ pass
+ # query_result will store the result of query
+ query_result = []
+ try:
+ cursor.execute(_SQL)
+ query_result = cursor.fetchall()
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ print('* Notification * ')
+ print('Please Completely Close ' + browser.upper() + ' Window')
+ except Exception as err:
+ print(err)
+ # close cursor and connector
+ cursor.close()
+ conn.close()
+ # put the query result based on the name of browsers.
+ browserhistory[browser] = query_result
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+ print('* ' + browser.upper() + ' Database Permission Denied.')
+ return browserhistory \ No newline at end of file