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+Free, open-source remote access tool for Windows, Mac & Linux.
+## Description
+GOD-VIEW (3/3) hosts an TCP & HTTP server, supporting C&C with extensive features & flexibility. It has a CLI along with a desktop / web GUI. Supporting Windows, Mac & Linux, responsive design & an organized CLI. All commands can be run on 100+ clients without impacting the response time.
+<img src="build/gv-design.png" />
+## Installation
+* git clone && cd GOD-VIEW
+* pip install -r build/requirements.txt
+* **Windows**
+ * pip install pipwin && pipwin install PyAudio && pipwin install VideoCapture
+ * start python && start python
+* **Mac / Linux**
+ * Download PyAudio from
+ * pip3 install \[.wheel filename\]
+ * **Terminal 1:** python3
+ * **Terminal 2:** python3
+## Usage
+* **Terminal**
+ * Use the **help** command to list all available commands
+ * **Constructing a command**
+ * **Part 1:** the command name
+ * **Part 2:** the command arguments (boolean / string)
+ * **String**: --flag \[input\]
+ * **Boolean**: --flag
+ * **Commands may look like this**
+ * list
+ * session --id abcd
+ * session --id abcd --remove
+ * screenshot --monitor 1 --show
+* **GUI**
+ * **Default login credentials**
+ * **Username:** god
+ * **Password:** view
+ * **Click the button above "No Active Windows To Manage" to view all available commands**
+ * Commands with a link icon beside them requires an active session
+ * Commands with a list icon beside them has arguments (flags)
+ * If the command does not take any parameters, it might simply run the command
+ without creating a window
+ * **Click on a command button**
+ * Fill out the command arguments if necessary before executing the command
+ * **To enter a session with a client simply click on the client row & right-click**
+ * **Shift + click & control + click is also supported to select multiple rows**
+* **Outside of LAN**
+ * Edit the **client/** file with the appropriate server address
+ * Static.IP = \[Your server's IP\]
+ * Static.PORT = \[Your server's port\]
+## Executable
+* *Requires pyinstaller in path*
+ * build --file --icon build/gv.ico --window
+ * build --file --icon build/gv.ico
+The difference between the builds is that the client script is windowless, becoming a background process operation without the interference of the user.
+## Features
+* TCP Network Stream (IPV4 & IPV6)
+* OS Support (Windows, Mac & Linux)
+* UI Options (Terminal, Desktop & Web)
+* Secure & Fast Network Transfer
+ * AES128 Encryption
+ * Deflate Compression
+ * JSON Serialization
+ * Cross-Language Encoding
+* ~8MB Client Executable
+* Stable Reverse Shell
+* Independent Streaming Sockets
+ * Audio Stream (Mic)
+ * Desktop Stream (Any Monitor)
+ * Webcam Stream (Any Device)
+ * Keylogger Stream
+ * Clipper Stream
+* Autotask ANY Command / Commands
+* Credentials Recovery
+* Persistence
+* Privilege Escalation
+* Upload / Download (& Execute)
+* Keystroke / Mouse Injection
+* Python Interpreter
+* Process Management
+* System Actions
+### Network Architecture
+<img src="build/gv-model.png" width="640" />
+> The architecture has the Terminal window as the main server, the GUI as an interface for the Terminal & then the connecting clients.
+## Documentation
+* What is GOD-VIEW?
+ * What Does GOD-VIEW Achieve?
+ * Who can use GOD-VIEW?
+ * What Makes GOD-VIEW Different?
+ * How was GOD-VIEW Built?
+* What are GOD-VIEW's Features?
+ * Operating Systems
+ * IP Versions
+ * Usage
+ * Data Transport
+ * Protocol
+ * Encryption
+ * Compression
+ * Encoding
+ * Serialization
+ * Surveillance
+ * Action
+ * Execution
+ * Management
+ * Connection
+ * Utility
+ * Live
+ * Multiplex
+ * Terminal
+**The Different Ways of Running GOD-VIEW**
+**Program / File Structure**
+**GOD-VIEW Outside of the Local Network**
+**What GOD-VIEW Doesn’t Implement**
+### What is GOD-VIEW?
+GOD-VIEW is a networking application, with the name referring to a view
+from up above, the all seeing eye. GOD-VIEW is the third iteration of
+developing a Remote Access Tool, driven by the motivation of
+understanding the web, it’s foundation, but more specifically the
+communication between computers in networks & processes. This might seem
+simple, but it has a multitude of layers below when it comes to
+development of a truly great program. Gathering from my previous
+attempts which started with the NexRAT project & continued by NeoRAT,
+both of which are available on Github as open source projects with major
+flaws. But these projects provide the foundation of how communication
+between networks & processes can look.
+In practice GOD-VIEW hosts a TCP socket that the client connects to & a
+HTTP server that communicates with the server through a websocket
+allowing real time communication.
+### What Does GOD-VIEW Achieve?
+The GOD-VIEW program supports a large amount of powerful features, that
+I will discuss later on. But on a foundational level, GOD-VIEW allows
+for secure, fast & non-limiting communication between it’s server &
+clients. It accepts connections using the TCP transport protocol & works
+with streams of data. It keeps these connections alive by sending beacon
+messages in intervals & provides persistent attempts to connect /
+reconnect if it fails to establish a connection or in the case that the
+connection is ever closed with the server.
+This might seem non-descriptive or difficult to understand what it
+means, but it will all make sense as I will in detail walk through
+everything the application archives & how the program works.
+### Who can use GOD-VIEW?
+The program makes availability one of its core foundational beliefs.
+GOD-VIEW supports the Windows, Linux & Mac operating systems.
+Both the server & client program supports these operating systems. The
+server also supports a Desktop GUI application that requires Google
+Chrome installed. This GUI application can also be used in a browser,
+this does not require Google Chrome installed. This desktop / web GUI
+supports all major browsers except for Internet Explorer with device
+support from 320x320+ (iPhone 5+) & supports mobile specific
+interactions when right clicks for example is not possible.
+The program also supports both the IPV4 & IPV6 protocols & can be run
+from any directory on the filesystem (all paths are accepted, relative
+or absolute).
+Overall GOD-VIEW is very flexible & supports all the major operating
+systems & different ways to interact with an application, be it through
+the terminal, desktop or web.
+GOD-VIEW also supports running the program with an interpreter or as an
+### What Makes GOD-VIEW Different?
+The things that make GOD-VIEW different can be both seen as positive &
+negative. The major difference is the availability as mentioned. It also
+provides a neat & well thought out design, with soothing color schemes &
+responsive action-reaction design thinking. It provides for
+beginner-to-advanced usage, but always, even when used in the terminal
+with describing colors & never leaves with the “what is happening”
+The desktop / web is built using sustainable methods & complete custom
+The availability is not the only thing that is different, GOD-VIEW
+provides an extremely powerful zero-limitations of actions when it comes
+to performing a command to 1 or 100 clients at the same time, however
+taxing / complex the command is, with no extra delay between responses
+from every client. GOD-VIEW also never writes / stores anything on the
+client’s filesystem.
+### How was GOD-VIEW Built?
+GOD-VIEW was built using the Python (blessing & a curse) programming
+language, following the object oriented paradigm, for the client /
+server & supports *Python 3.7+*.
+The program also utilizes third party libraries, which are required,
+with specific intentions to avoid bloating the program. These can be
+installed using *pip* / direct download link to a .whl file. The program
+uses multiple formats to store data, using sqlite3 for the local
+database, text files, csv files & the PNG format for images.
+To build the executable file requires *pyinstaller* to be in the path
+The desktop / web GUI was built using ReactJS with
+TypeScript**\[front-end\]**, redux for global state management & styled
+components for the custom design. It communicates with the server using
+websockets **\[back-end\]**.
+As mentioned previously, the desktop GUI requires *Google Chrome*
+installed & if it’s not available will default to web GUI.
+What are GOD-VIEW's Features?
+### Operating Systems
+* Windows
+* Linux
+* Mac
+### IP Versions
+* IPV4
+* IPV6
+### Usage
+* Terminal (Command Line)
+* Desktop Application
+* Web Application
+ * All Major Browsers
+ * Responsive Design (320x320+)
+ * Mobile friendly
+ * Login Protection
+### Data Transport
+#### Protocol
+* Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
+ * Transport Level Protocol
+#### Encryption
+* AES128 Encryption
+* \[Not SSL\]
+ * Self-Signed Certificates Require OpenSSL
+ * Requires Certification Expiration Date
+ * Requires DNS Hostname
+#### Compression
+* Deflate Compression
+* PNG Image Compression
+* \[Not JPEG\]
+ * Can be Less Effective
+ * *Implementations difficulties*
+ * *Supports Lossy Compression*
+#### Encoding
+* UTF-8
+ * Windows Code Page Support
+* Base64
+#### Serialization
+* \[Not Pickle\]
+ * A lot Easier Usage
+ * Allows Remote Code Execution
+### Surveillance
+GOD-VIEW supports multiple ways of gathering large amounts of
+information, with 30 data points upon initial connection, this is among
+other things the country, operating system, antivirus & privileges of
+the connected client.
+There is also more specific information that can be gathered about the
+clients which are about the GPU, CPU, Memory, Disk, Network & IO.
+GOD-VIEW provides the ability to upload files from the server or an URL
+& the option to execute this file upon upload. It’s also possible to
+download files or directories to the server & execute the file upon
+successful download. **\[Upload / Download\]**
+The recover commands allow you to get the WIFI passwords stored on the
+client's computer, the browser history & bookmarks of most browsers.
+You can capture a screenshot of one or all monitors & have the options
+to display the image on the server. You also have the option to take a
+snapshot from the webcam, working the same as taking a screenshot, but
+without the option of taking a single snapshot of all connected webcams.
+**\[Screenshot / Snapshot\]**
+### Action
+The action namespace holds commands with the intent to perform specific
+system actions. You can shutdown, restart, logout, hibernate & standby
+the clients computer. **\[System\]**
+You can alert the client’s computer with a messagebox, of which you can
+set the title, the text & specify the symbol of the messagebox. The
+symbol can represent a question, information, danger or warning.
+The process command allows you to list all running tasks & the clients
+open network connections, providing information about them. You then
+have the option to kill anyone of these processes. **\[Process\]**
+The clipboard command allows you to copy data to the clipboard, empty
+the clipboard & get the data of the clipboard. **\[Clipboard\]**
+The browse command allows you to enter one or more URLs to be opened in
+the default browser of the client system. **\[Browse\]**
+### Execution
+When it comes to the execution namespace, it holds some of the most
+interesting & vital commands. It allows inline injection of keyboard /
+mouse actions or running a script from a file. The language of this
+injection is GOD-VIEW’s own. It’s very simple & not very strict.
+The language consists of key, value pairs, separated by a space.
+**press \[Key / Button\]**
+**hold \[Key / Button\]**
+**release \[Key / Button\]**
+**type \[Text\]**
+**position \[X,Y\]**
+**move \[X,Y\]**
+**scroll \[X,Y\]**
+**mhold \[Mouse Button\]**
+**mrelease \[Mouse Button\]**
+**click \[Mouse Button\]**
+**dclick \[Mouse Button\]**
+*Unique flow control commands*
+* **sleep \[Seconds\]**
+* **repeat \[Times\]**
+ * Repeats all subsequent actions for Z times, this is recursive &
+ * allows nested repeat statements.
+* **\[position / move / scroll\] random \[min X, max X,min Y,max Y\]**
+ * Can be used by any command taking an X & Y parameter, &
+ * requires instead of X & Y four values, for the minimum &
+ maximum random value for the X, respectively the Y.
+The injection command can be used to perform automated keyboard / mouse
+activity, supporting recursive loops & random coordinates, making it
+quite a powerful tool. **\[Inject\]**
+Next there is the python command, allowing the inline execution of
+Python code. Everything that would be written to the terminal on the
+client’s computer will instead be read on the server, making it
+seamlessly natural. This command also supports, like injection,
+execution from a file. **\[Python\]**
+Finally, arguably the most important command in GOD-VIEW, is the shell
+command, allowing the remote execution of terminal commands. A reverse
+shell, supporting all commands. Commands that do not return any data
+will time out, after Z amount of time, therefore interactive programs
+like Python or Node would simply timeout. **\[Shell\]**
+### Management
+The management namespace is about simplifying tasks & specifying how the
+program shall operate. This is done with the blacklist command by
+allowing the rejection of specific connecting IP addresses. The alias
+command allows the translation of a word written using the server's
+terminal to a corresponding value. Then there is the very powerful
+autotask command, giving great freedom & automation, for the simple
+reason that any command that interacts with clients is supported. It
+will perform the request upon connection of the client & write the
+results to a text file. Finally, also one of the most important &
+influential commands is the environment command. It holds a number of
+variables that have a great impact on how the program will run, for
+example alerting an email upon client connection. **\[Blacklist / Alias
+/ Autotask / Environment\]**
+### Connection
+The connection namespace focuses on the handling of anything that
+specifically handles the connection or the file on the client’s
+filesystem. Starting off by targeting persistence of the client program,
+by having the program run even after the computer shuts off or the user
+logs out. This is done with the autostart directory, to schedule a task,
+or by adding an autostart registry key, these features are Windows
+specific & won’t work on any other operating system & would require
+other implementations. **\[Autostart\]**
+The session & delete commands allow specifying which clients to either
+interact with or to remove. **\[Session / Delete\]**
+Additional quite straight forward commands are disconnect, reconnect &
+uninstall. Disconnect might seem like the delete command just mentioned,
+but has the specific difference in that it makes the client exit itself,
+which won’t have the client reconnecting until it’s rerun, which delete
+does not always guarantee. Uninstall removes all registry keys made for
+persistence along with any autostart files & finally removes itself.
+**\[Disconnect / Reconnect / Uninstall\]**
+Lastly we have an important command, only supported in Windows, again,
+which is escalate. It will try to perform an user authentication bypass
+(UAC) bypass, rerunning the program with administrative privileges
+without ever having to ask the user. **\[Escalate\]**
+### Utility
+The utility namespace is very straight forward, with a couple of
+commands that support the general flow of the program. The build command
+allows you to build GOD-VIEW into an executable program, being able to
+build any file, specify the icon & if it should have a window or be a
+background process. **\[Build\]**
+Next is the note command, this simply writes the data to a text file,
+with an attached timestamp. **\[Note\]**
+The who command is especially neat for the terminal, as it will list
+every single data point of a specific connected client. **\[Who\]**
+The gui command will simply reopen the desktop application, to be used
+in case you close the window. **\[Gui\]**
+### Live
+Live is one of the most challenging namespaces, these are the most
+powerful commands GOD-VIEW has to offer, providing live streams of data,
+each with their own socket connection. This holds a difficult challenge
+of having different types of client connections to the server if the
+server is to be only hosted on a single socket, or if multiple sockets
+should be opened on the server for each one of these live streams of
+data. You also have the problem of not wanting the client to be able to
+dictate when a certain stream of data should be opened, as the client
+has to connect to the server first. The solution was a token-like
+system, generating a universally unique id on the server side, allowing
+the connection with this token to be accepted if sent by the client
+within X amount of time, of which the token is valid, this requires the
+server to always initiate the request of a specific connection type from
+the client & is a great solution for the reason of only requiring a
+single server socket.
+The audio command enables the microphone, allowing a live audio stream
+of the microphone to the server & be directly streamed to the default
+output device. Making the client a hot-mic.
+The next command is desktop, it provides an extremely powerful &
+relatively smooth stream, the FPS is not going to be the highest, the
+performance will be based on the screen size & the power of the
+computer. It’s optimized for performance, but because it uses PNG
+compression, it does not support lowering the resolution, which can make
+the stream performance very image-size dependent. The stream is
+optimized by splitting up the work of taking the screenshot & sending
+it, making it more resource intensive, but with performance
+improvements, but is still throttled by the TCP-protocol bottleneck.
+The modules command provides an overview of all running live streams,
+with the ability to close any stream. **\[Modules\]**
+The webcam command works very similar to desktop & usually has very good
+performance, this is because the webcam size is usually a lot smaller,
+making the frame rate much higher. This is only supported on Windows
+though, because it’s not utilizing opencv, to avoid bloating the program
+on the client side, instead a library called VideoCapture is used, which
+uses the Windows DirectShow API. **\[Webcam\]**
+Finally we have the logger commands, keylogger & clipper. These commands
+record keystrokes & the clipboard data to be written to files on the
+server, providing client side timestamps & fair representation of
+performed actions. **\[Keylogger / Clipper\]**
+### Multiplex
+The multiplex namespace has only two commands, all & close. These will
+simply add every connected client to the session or remove every single
+client from the session. **\[All / Close\]**
+### Terminal
+This namespace refers to commands that are primarily used in the
+terminal of the server, as it’s features are utilized by default in the
+desktop / web GUI. Alternatively are they specifically to be used only
+by the terminal. The clear command simply clears out the terminal, the
+help command lists all available commands, listing their names,
+arguments & all the data necessary about the command to be used. Then we
+have the list command, which lists data about all the connected clients
+& finally the exit command which simply closes the program. **\[Clear /
+Help / List / Exit\]**
+The Different Ways of Running GOD-VIEW
+The GOD-VIEW program accepts a few command line arguments. These are to
+specify the type of way you want to run the program, but cannot be given
+the freedom to be changed like environment variables during runtime.
+These are the -TERMINAL argument, which only runs the terminal of the
+server, without the desktop / web GUI. Then there is the -WEB argument,
+which will run the program with the terminal, but also hosts the web
+GUI, this will limit some functionality, but can be used in the case
+that the primary usage will be with a browser. The disabled features are
+to show screenshots / snapshots taken, nor can the desktop, audio or
+webcam command be used. By default GOD-VIEW runs as both a terminal &
+desktop / web GUI.
+You can specify the address with -IP, TCP port with -PORT & the HTTP
+port by specifying -GUI\_PORT. You may also specify the -SECRET & -SALT
+of the symmetric encryption key to be used by the server.
+The desktop / web GUI does not support exactly every command, you cannot
+exit from the GUI, it’s only available to the terminal, you can also not
+clear the terminal window of the server on the desktop / web GUI.
+There are slight limitations when running the client as a non-executable
+file. You cannot do anything that requires the executable file to exist.
+This includes autostart, reconnect, uninstall & escalate.
+Program / File Structure
+* Starts the server threads, this includes hosting the TCP server, the
+ * messaging thread & the desktop / web HTTP server.
+* Starting the main thread, connecting to the remote server, which is
+ * started by running the file.
+* Contains all program data, server logs, database file & client
+ * specific files. The files are automatically generated & the file
+ * structure organized as such, this file can be deleted at any time,
+ * without ever disturbing anything during runtime.
+* Files that are related to running & installing the program & acts as
+ * a miscellaneous directory.
+* The necessary desktop / web GUI production build files, required to
+ * be in the root directory of which the program is run.
+* Stores the executable build files generated using the build command.
+* Stores client specific behaviour & implementations. To support all
+ * the client functionality & to fulfill requests.
+* The server specific files, but also the GUI application. This is a
+ * large majority of the program, as this handles everything, not
+ * just following directions like the client.
+* Files that both the client & server can share, to reuse the same
+ * implementations, this has a lot to do with sending & receiving the
+ * data & shared state.
+GOD-VIEW Outside of the Local Network
+To be able for remote connections to be made to the server & to host the
+server for the internet is quite simple. With three alternatives, either
+use a port tunneling service like ngrok, which practically does the port
+forwarding for you. The second choice is to do the port forwarding of
+your router yourself. The third option would be to remotely host the
+program & enable the -WEB command line argument.
+* Download ngrok at [**](
+* Make sure ngrok is in the path variable or in your current directory
+* **ngrok tcp -region=eu 5658**
+ * Running this makes the TCP server available to the internet.
+* **ngrok http -region=us 8565**
+ * Running this makes the HTTP web GUI available to the internet.
+After this, you would simply change the *Static.IP* & *Static.PORT* in
+the *GOD-VIEW/client/* file to the IP & port ngrok redirects
+traffic from, for example ** & *1832*. Note that if
+you’re using ngrok to access the web application, it does not support
+HTTPS, so you have to use the HTTP version. This is sadly the library
+limitation of which is used for the GUI.
+What GOD-VIEW Doesn’t Implement
+There are things not implemented, this is because it might not fit the
+flow of the program, it requires third-party libraries not worth using
+for the features it would bring. The Python language has difficulty
+implementing certain features neatly, or it’s difficult to implement
+cross-platform solutions for.
+Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) server, supporting real time
+streaming. There are great servers for RTMP, one of them being
+but uses NodeJS which makes it difficult to implement interactions with
+the server. But it also requires large streaming libraries, most
+commonly used being FFMPEG, which is a big hassle. But the GOD-VIEW GUI
+still allows you to read RTMP streams supporting flv.js
+using the sidebar.
+Another feature not implemented is a true remote desktop, most likely
+not terribly difficult to implement using the pywin32 library, but
+because it might clutter the flow of the program & also focuses a lot on
+specifically Windows only functionality, it’s not been tested or
+Toast notifications, with my will of not using the pywin32 library being
+strong as it would simply put so much focus & possibility to Windows
+only functionality. GOD-VIEW worked around these problems with
+notifications by implementing server terminal connection notifications,
+the possibility for email notifications & GUI notifications with audio
+sound & a visual alert.
+GOD-VIEW avoided a lot of the malicious intent features, such as more
+extensive password grabbers / cookie stealers, specific features
+targeting DDOS attacks & reverse proxies. Simply because of the lack of
+need for any of these features, interest in them. It does not include
+anything to do with encryption of files, as it’s simply not the intent
+of the program.
+Avoiding more \~basic features, such as the active window for the
+keylogger / clipper & fun functions, changing wallpaper, playing sounds,
+CD-popout along with other things, are not implemented as I cannot be
+bothered, a lot of these require operating system specific
+implementations or Windows only implementations & the pywin32 library.
+Still wanting to hold most functionality cross-platform.
+Lastly, what's not implemented is any virtual machine (VM) detection &
+obfuscation. This is also not the intent of the program, but also,
+especially VM detection from what I've seen are implementations
+supporting Windows only. The program does not try to obfuscate anything,
+it’s written in Python, not C, C++, C\# or Delphi. It can be done, but
+has very little purpose to be supported by GOD-VIEW.