import fnmatch import os import subprocess import re import string from foreign.client_handling.lazagne.config.module_info import ModuleInfo class IISAppPool(ModuleInfo): def __init__(self): ModuleInfo.__init__(self, name='iisapppool', category='sysadmin', registry_used=True, winapi_used=True) def find_files(self, path, file): """ Try to find all files with the same name """ founded_files = [] for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(path): for file_name in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_name, file): founded_files.append(dirpath + '\\' + file_name) return founded_files def execute_get_stdout(self, exe_file, arguments): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(exe_file + " " + arguments, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except: self.debug(u'Error executing {exefile}'.format(exefile=exe_file)) return None return proc.stdout def run(self): pfound = [] exe_files = self.find_files(os.environ['WINDIR'] + '\\System32\\inetsrv', 'appcmd.exe') if len(exe_files) == 0: self.debug(u'File not found appcmd.exe') return'appcmd.exe files found: {files}'.format(files=exe_files)) output = self.execute_get_stdout(exe_files[-1], 'list apppool') if output == None: self.debug(u'Problems with Application Pool list') return app_list = [] for line in output.readlines(): app_list.append(re.findall(r'".*"', line)[0].split('"')[1]) for app in app_list: values = {} username = '' password = '' output = self.execute_get_stdout(exe_files[-1], 'list apppool ' + app + ' /text:*') for line in output.readlines(): if'userName:".*"', line): username = re.findall(r'userName:".*"', line)[0].split('"')[1] if'password:".*"', line): password = re.findall(r'password:".*"', line)[0].split('"')[1] if password != '' : values['AppPool.Name'] = app values['Username'] = username values['Password'] = password pfound.append(values) return pfound