''' Variables that has important impact on during the execution during runtime. These should be set prior to building out the client. Verified: 2020 December 30 & 2021 February 6 * Follows PEP8 * Tested Platforms * Windows 10 ''' from shared.state import Static class ClientStatic: BUILD_NAME = 'Production Build' BUILD_VERSION = '1.0.0' # NOTE : Applies to pre-connect STICKY = True # NOTE : Don't change DEFAULT = 'Unkown' @classmethod def setup(cls): if Static.WINDOWS: # NOTE : Don't change cls.WEBCAM = {} cls.NAME = 'GOD-VIEW' cls.CODE_PAGE = '65001' # NOTE : Don't change if Static.TIMEOUT > 7.5: cls.TIMEOUT = Static.TIMEOUT - 2.5 else: cls.TIMEOUT = Static.TIMEOUT # NOTE : Server IP Static.IP = Static.IP # NOTE : Server port Static.PORT = Static.PORT # NOTE : Server encryption secret Static.SECRET = Static.SECRET # NOTE : Server encryption salt Static.SALT = Static.SALT